The Dog That Went Abroad कुत्ता जो विदेश गया
यह कहानी एक कुत्ते के बारे में है, जो एक बार अपना गाँव छोड़ कर भोजन की तलाश में किसी दूसरे गाँव चला जाता है। वहाँ उसके साथ क्या होता… More »The Dog That Went Abroad कुत्ता जो विदेश गया
यह कहानी एक कुत्ते के बारे में है, जो एक बार अपना गाँव छोड़ कर भोजन की तलाश में किसी दूसरे गाँव चला जाता है। वहाँ उसके साथ क्या होता… More »The Dog That Went Abroad कुत्ता जो विदेश गया
Listen to this episode about the wit of a minister, the wrath of a King and the devotion of a wife in this story from India.
Today we bring to you a short story- the tale of Nala and Damayanti. Nala, was the king of Nishadh Kingdom in Eastern India. He was the son of Veerasen. Nala was known for his skill with horses and culinary expertise. He married princess Damayanti, of Vidarbha Kingdom. He was also a great cook, and wrote the first ever book on cookery, Pakadarpanam (पकदर्पणम). This story was first mentioned in the Mahabharat.
Listen to the story the Jackal and the Arrow by clicking below This is a story from Hitopadesh tales which teaches us that greed is bad. A hunter who has… More »The Jackal And The Arrow – Hitopadesha Tale
Listen to this story by clicking below. इस कहानी को सुनने के लिए नीचे click करें इस कहानी के बारे में About the Tale Kauva, Hiran aur Geedad This is… More »हितोपदेश कथा – कौवा, हिरन और गीदड़ Kauva, Hiran Aur Geedad
Listen to the Story The Hippopotamus and the Tortoise by clicking below About this Nigerian Folktale Today we bring to you a folktale from Nigeria. In this folk tale, we… More »Folktale: The Hippopotamus and the Tortoise
Listen to the Part I of The Legend of Moti About This story Listen to the story of Moti, a young man who sets off from his home to earn… More »The Legend of Moti
You can listen to the episode on Diwali or Deepawali by clicking below Baalgatha Podcast team at gaathastory wishes all our listeners a Happy Deepawali! As we excitedly await the… More »The Festival of Diwali or Deepwali
You can listen to the story The Golden Bird by clicking below About this Jataka Tale The Golden bird is a story from one of the lives of the Bodhisatta… More »The Golden Bird
On Occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, the day we pray Lord Ganesh, listen to a story of his wit and smartness on Myths, Legends and Fairytales of India Podcast.