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The Festival of Gudi Padwa or Ugadi

The Festival of Gudi Padwa or Ugadi

Best wishes from gaatha story for the festival of Gudi Padwa / Ugadi/ Cheti Chand! It is interesting how the same day is celebrated under different names in various parts of India. In this episode, listen to the story of Gudi Padwa in English, Hindi, Marathi and Kannada.

गीधड का लालच – हितोपदेश कथा

गीधड का लालच – हितोपदेश कथा एक जंगल में एक बार भैरव नामक शिकारी हिरन का शिकार कर के अपने घर की और जा रहा होता है । तभी एक… More »गीधड का लालच – हितोपदेश कथा

सो जाओ टिंकु (Tinku, Go To Sleep)

टिंकू एक नन्हा पिल्ला है और उसे ज़रा भी नींद नहीं आ रही थी। आगे क्या होता, है, यह जानिए इस कहानी को बालगाथा पर सुन कर। Listen to So Jaa Tinku on Baalgatha Hindi Podcast.

Vikram The Brave Warrior

Listen to the story of Vikram The Brave Warrior, who stars his life as a weaver, but goes on to kill and elephant, a tiger, and defeat the King’s enemy.

A Lion, a Man and a Monkey

On Baalgatha Podcast, listen to this tale from Panchatantra about a lion, a man and a monkey. How does the monkey save a man from the cluthes of a cruel and fearsome lion?

The Crow And His Three Friends

Listen to story on Myths, Legends and Fairytales of India Podcast. An old and lonely crow makes friends with a deer, a tortoise, and a mouse. The four creatures live happily in a forest along the banks of a river. Until one day, when the deer gets caught in a hunter’s net. What happens next?