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Baalgatha Hindi story- २ मछलियों की कहानी – पंचतंत्र कथा story of 2 fishes

दो मछिलयों की कहानी एक समय पानी के एक बड़ा जलाशय था। यह जलशव ऐसा जगह पर िस्थत था, जहाँ पहुँचना बहुत आसान नहीं था। काटों से भरी हुई झािड़यों… More »Baalgatha Hindi story- २ मछलियों की कहानी – पंचतंत्र कथा story of 2 fishes

The story of Hirkani Baai- Special Episode for Mother’s Day

Hirkani was a brave woman and a mother who lived near the Raigad Fort in Maharashtra during the time of Shivaji Maharaj. Listen to the story of Hirkani Baai on occasion of Mothers’ Day.

You can listen to the story of Hirkani Baai by clicking below

Listen to this story in Hindi

इस कहानी को हिंदी में सुनें

Listen to this story in Marathi

ही कथा मराठीत ऐका

Listen to this story in Gujarati

હિરકણી બાઈની વાર્તા

The Story of Hirkani Baai

The Raigad fort is near Pune and was very important to Shivaji’s kingdom. It was the capital of his empire, and his coronation took place in Raigad in 1674. The fort is in the Western Ghats or the Sahyadri mountain range in western India. The fort itself is on a mountain top and there is a village at the base of this mountain. Steep Fort walls guard the fort from all sides. There is a steep vertical drop on one side and the generals decided not to build a wall. They did not think any human could possibly scale the vertical drop to enter the Fort without notice. The drop seemed enough protection. The villagers from the foothill came up to the fort with their wares to sell. They would stand by the main fort door when the man in charge (maval) would open it allowing the villagers inside. The gates were closed at sunset and would not open until the next morning. Those were the orders of Shivaji Maharaj.

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Bandar Aur Magarmach (Hindi) बंदर और मगरमछ पंचतंत्र कथा

यह कहानी एक बंदर और उसके दोस्त मगरमछ के बारे में है। सुनिए इस कहानी को यह जानने के लिए की कैसे बंदर चतुराई से मगरमछ को चकमा देकर अपनी… More »Bandar Aur Magarmach (Hindi) बंदर और मगरमछ पंचतंत्र कथा