The Story of The First Christmas Tree
This is the story that tells us how the Tree became such an important part of Christmas. But more importantly, the story also teaches us to be kind to those… More »The Story of The First Christmas Tree
This is the story that tells us how the Tree became such an important part of Christmas. But more importantly, the story also teaches us to be kind to those… More »The Story of The First Christmas Tree
बात कर रही गुफा: The Cave That Talked यह एक चालाक लोमड़ी और एक भूखे शेर की कहानी है, जो हमें सिखाता है कि हम सामान्य ज्ञान का उपयोग करके… More »बात कर रही गुफा: हिन्दी में कहानी The Cave That Talked Story in Hindi
This is a story from Panchatantra which teaches us a moral that we should be wary of people who praise you falsely. In this story, a a crow who is… More »The Fox And The Crow
This story is based on the life of King Bruce of Scotland. He is defeated by his enemy six times, and yet he is able to win during the seventh… More »King Bruce And The Spider
This is a story from Panchatantra, in which four friends come across a skeleton while travelling in a forest. Three friends try to show off their knowledge by bringing the… More »Four Friends and a Lion: Panchatantra Story in English
The eagle and the crow is a story from Panchatantra.In this story, a crow who tries to imitate the actions of an Eagle and gets into trouble. The moral of… More »The Eagle And The Crow. Story from Panchatantra
एक बूढ़ा शेर इतना कमजोर था कि वह भोजन के लिए शिकार करने में असमर्थ था बन गया था। एक दिन, वह एक सुनहरा चूड़ी पाता है और सोचता है… More »Lalach Buri Bala Hai Story With Moral in Hindi
The Dog And The Donkey teaches a moral that one should mind their own business. Once a washer man had a donkey and a dog. It was a hot afternoon.… More »The Dog And The Donkey Panchatantra Story with a Moral
In this story, a flea who lives in a King’s palace becomes alarmed when another bug enters the palace. the bug wants to bite the King, and he promises that… More »The Bug And The Poor Flea
The Cave That Talked is a story from Panchatantra in which a Hare who is about to be eaten by a lion uses his wit to trick the lion, and… More »The Cave That Talked: Story from Panchatantra