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हितोपदेश कथा – कौवा, हिरन और गीदड़ Kauva, Hiran Aur Geedad

Listen to this story by clicking below. इस कहानी को सुनने के लिए नीचे click करें इस कहानी के बारे में About the Tale Kauva, Hiran aur Geedad This is… More »हितोपदेश कथा – कौवा, हिरन और गीदड़ Kauva, Hiran Aur Geedad

The Story of Lord Ganesh

On Occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, the day we pray Lord Ganesh, listen to a story of his wit and smartness on Myths, Legends and Fairytales of India Podcast.

Fishy Morality- A Tale from Stories About Mulla Nasiruddin

Listen to this story on Baalgatha Podcast by gaatha story. A learned scholar and Mulla Nasruddin once visit the restaurant and order some fish. Our protagonist takes the larger piece of the fish for himself, angering the scholar in the process. How does Nasruddin justify his actions?

Do Mukh Wala Pakshi दो मुख वाला पक्षी (The Bird with two heads)

Listen to Do Mukh Wala Pakshi दो मुख वाला पक्षी by clicking below दो मुख वाला पक्षी यह कहानी पंचतंत्र कथाओं में से एक है, और एक भेरूँड नमके पक्षी… More »Do Mukh Wala Pakshi दो मुख वाला पक्षी (The Bird with two heads)