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Introducing This Day in Our History

gaathastory is excited to announce its new podcast series for 2014, titled “This Day in Our History”. Below is the announcement and a sample post for this new show.

Welcome to “This Day in Our History,” a podcast that explores the significant events that took place on this day in our nation’s history. Join us as we take a journey through time and discover social, cultural, historic, and religious events in India. This Day in our History is available in English, and soon will be available in Hindi and Marathi.

|| Shree Ganeshaya Namaha ||


Today is Paush Krishna Saptami, and welcome to the second day of February 2024.

In other words, today is the 7th day of the Krishna Paksha (dark phase of moon) in the month of Paush. Today, let us learn about Swami Vivekananda Jayanti and Kalashtami. There may be several other events of interest and importance, of course!

Swami Vivekananda Jayanti

Portrait of Swami Vivekananda, generated using AI tools. Blog by gaathastory

First of all, you may wonder – last month, we already celebrated Swami Vivekananda Jayanti, officially also celebrated as Youth Day, on January 12th. Why are we celebrating Swami ji’s birth anniversary again? Today is the anniversary as per tithi – lunar calendar. This celebration holds religious significance, particularly for followers of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings.

You can celebrate this by remembering the Narendra from the 19th Century, reading his works, or sharing a quote or thought that inspires you.


This post begins by mentioning today is Saptami, or 7th day. And now we learn about Kalashtami. But Ashtami is 8th day. Confused?
Welcome to the twists and turns as we learn about dates or tithis as per Lunar Calendar.

Image of Lord Shiv in Bhairav Form.

Kalashtami is a day dedicated to worshipping Lord Bhairava, a fierce avatar of Lord Shiva. It occurs every month on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the waning lunar phase (Krishna Paksha). Lord Bhairava, depicted with fierce features and often riding a dog, is considered a protector of Lord Shiv and his abode. Worshipping him removes negative energies, and offers protection from fear.

Noteworthy Mentions

Today is the Chandru Guppe Kengal Anjaneya Chariot Festival – I saw a mention in Bangalore Press calendar, one of the five our six sources I use for this project. Now this festival, though quite small in scale, may not be widely known. However, this celebration occurs but quite next door to Bengaluru- in Chennapattana.

The murti in the temple is considered to be Swayambhu, and has historic significance going back to the times of Krishna Deva Raya. I found the reviews and information about this temple and the festival on Tripadvisor to be quite useful.

Celebration of “Days”

Yesterday was Coast Guard Day. Naman to the protectors of the shores and waters around. Speaking of waters, today also marks Wetlands Day. Learn more about this day and its importance by visiting my blog post here.

This wraps up this edition of Today’s Historic Day.

About Today’s Historic Day

Today’s Historic Day aims to explore the significant Religious, social, cultural, historical events on a given day, events that are relevant to Bharat. Let us learn and share as we discover the significance that each day brings into our lives. This project is an initiative of Amar Vyas, cofounder of gaathastory.

The list of events is compiled from primary sources (Lunar Calendars such as Klaanirnay- Martahi edition, online directories like Drik Panchang) and the relevance of each day is summarized after researching and verifying from different sources.

For any questions, comments, suggestions or feedback, you may kindly write to [email protected].