In this episode, learn and listen to the tales associated with the festival of Gudi Padwa or Ugadi, also known as Cheti Chand or Navreh or Sajibu Nongma Panba Cheiraoba across different parts of India.
This episode was updated in March 2023.
Celebrating Gudi Padwa or Ugadi
Best wishes from gaatha story for the festival of Gudi Padwa / Ugadi/ Cheti Chand! It is interesting how the same day is celebrated under different names in various parts of India. This festival also marks the beginning of the new Year, so wishing all of you a Very Happy new Year!
In 2017, we had published an episode on Baalgatha Podcast about the festival of Gudi Padwa or Ugadi. That was in one language- English. This time around, learn about this festival in 4 languages : English, Hindi, Marathi and Kannada. In each episode, we talk about a brief history of Gudi Padwa or Ugadi, why it is celebrated, Ugadi festival dishes, etc.
Listen to Festival of Gudi Padwa or Ugadi in English
This festival falls on the first day of the Chaitra Month, therefore every year there will be a different date for Gudi Padwa or Ugadi Festival. For example, Ugadi date for 2019 is April 6th (Saturday). In 2020, Ugadi Festival or Gudi Padwa falls on March 20th (Wednesday)
Samvatsara 2076 begins on April 6th, 2019. Samvatsara 2077 begins on March 20th, 2020.
गुडी पाड़वा की कहनी हिंदी मे सुने
गुड़ी पड़वा एक भारतीय त्योहार है जो वसंत ऋतु में महाराष्ट्र में मनाया जाता है। यह त्योहार साढ़े तीन मुहूतt में से एक है। गुड़ी हिव जय और समृधिद्ध का प्रतीक है। राम जन्मोत्सव गुड़ी पड़वा से शुरू होता है। इस दिन को कर्नाटक और आंध्र प्रेश में अलग-अलग नामों से और अलग-अलग तरीकों से मनाया जाता है, जैसे संवत्सर पावा या उगादी । सिंधी लोग इस त्योहार का उल्लेख चेति चंद के रूप में करते हैं। इस त्योहार से जुड़ी कूच रोचक जानकारी सुने अंकिता रवी की आवाज़ में बालगाथा हिंदी पोड कास्ट पर ।
Listen to this story in Marathi
गुढीपाडवा ही गोश्ट मराठी मधे ऐका
गुढीपाडवा हा सण वसंत ऋतूच्या पहिल्या हिदिवसला महाराष्ट्रात साजरा केला जातो. शा साडेतीन मुहूर्तान पैकी हा एक मुहूर्त आहे. गुढी पाडव्यापासूनच रामजन्मोत्सवाच्या कार्य क्रमाचा प्रारंभ होतो. हाँ दिवस कर्नाटका आनी आंध्रा प्रदेश मध्ये संवत्सर पाडवो अथवा उगादी अशा वेगवेगळ्या नावांनी साजरा करण्यात येतो. सिंधी लोक चेटीचंड नावाने या उत्सवाला संबोधतात.गुडी पाडवाशी संबंधित काही मनोरंजक कथा या ऐपसोड मधे अंकिता रवी याँच्या आवाजात ऐका.
या गोष्टि माधिल महिती आम्ही विकिपेड़िया आनी अन्य स्रोत वरून प्राप्त केली आहे

Story of Ugadi festival- Listen in Kannada
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Listen to this Kannada narration – a special episode from Baalgatha Podcast, narrated by Lakshmi Sudheendra.
Learn about the Festival of Gudi Padwa or Ugadi
What is the festival of Gudi Padwa or Ugadi?
Why is the festival of Gudi Padwa or Ugadi Celebrated?
How is the festival celebrated?
What are the stories associated with Gudi Padwa?
In this episode, we tell you how this festival is celebrated across different parts of India, namely, in the sates of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Kashmir, Manipur, and also by the Sindhi community. We also narrate the food that is to be eaten on this day.
The story about the festival of Gudi Padwa/ Ugadi/ Cheti Chand is as follows:
Today is the first day of Chaitra month , it marks the beginning of the New Year according to the Hindu calendar. Do you know why it is considered the first day of the year?
Because , the sun states itself at the point of intersection of the equator and the meridians. This position of the sun denotes the commencement of the season of spring. The day is also special because this was the day when Lord Ram killed the ape king Vali to crown his brother Sugriv the king of Kishkindha. After an year, Lord Ram came back to Ayodhya after killing Ravana on the same day. Another incident which makes this day auspicious is that, the Saka registered victory over the Huns and marks the commencement of the Shalivahan calendar. According to Brahma Puran ,this is the day when Lord Brahma created the universe out of chaos.
In Maharashtra and Goa, people celebrate this day as Gudi Padwa. The Gudi is observed at the entrance of Maharashtrain households. Do you know what Gudi is? A Gudi is a stick covered in a bright cloth adorned with brocade or zari that has been topped with sugar crystals, neem leaves, twig of mango leaves and a garland of red flowers. This is covered by a silver or copper pot in an inverted position. Families are supposed to begin this day by eating bittersweet leaves of neem tree or a paste which is prepared with neem leaves, jaggery and tamarind. The paste is believed to purify blood and strengthen the body’s immune system.
In AndraPradesh, Telangana and Karnataka , the festival is celebrated as Ugadi . The name Yugadi or Ugadi is derived from the Sanskrit words yuga (age) and ādi (beginning): “the beginning of a new age”
The Sindhi community celebrates the festival of Cheti Chand in honour of the birth of Ishtadeva Jhulelal, the patron saint of the Sindhis. This day is considered to be very auspicious and is celebrated with pomp and gaiety. On this day, people worship water.
Celebration in other parts of India
The first day of Chitra is celebrated in Kashmir as Navreh It is on the eve of Navreh that the Kulguru of a Pandit family gets a new almanac (panchang) with a sacred picture of Ma Sharika on it and some sacred verses.
It is also celebrated in the North Eastern state of Manipur as Sajibu Nongma Panba Cheiraoba.