The Legend of Kempe Gowda The First
In this episode, we learn about Kempe Gowda the First, also known as Nadaprabhu Hiriya Kempe Gowda, who was a leader from the Sixteenth century and often credited to be… More »The Legend of Kempe Gowda The First
In this episode, we learn about Kempe Gowda the First, also known as Nadaprabhu Hiriya Kempe Gowda, who was a leader from the Sixteenth century and often credited to be… More »The Legend of Kempe Gowda The First
Listen to the story Kaka And Munni by clicking below This is a delightful little tale in which a crow called Kaka wants to eat the three eggs laid by… More »Kaka Aur Munni काका और मुन्नी
Today we bring to you a delightful little story from Japan, about two frogs. One of them lives in Osaka, while the other stays in Kyoto. One day, the decide to visit each other’s city. What happens next? This story is similar to the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.
In Part I of this story we learn how Lalli, a Princess of King Munsukh’s Kingdom and his darling daughter, falls in love with Prince Kumar, who is the son of Prince Dantal. Listen to Lalli’s adventures as she spends not one, not two but Twenty Four Years in the search of Prince Kumar. In the process, she travels in the stomach of a Large Rohu fish!
एक बार बिल्लियों ने एक भोज याने की दावत रखी। उन्होंने चूहों को इस भोज के लिए आमंत्रित किया।क्या चूहे दावत में शामिल हुए?बिल्लियों ने चूहों के साथ कैसा बर्ताव किया? जांने इस कहानी को सुन कर।
The Story of a Merchant’s Son – Tale Form Panchatantra. A merchant’s son buys an expensive book which has a message: one should leave things to fate. When his father learns about the purchase, he asks his son to leave the house. What happens next? Listen to this story to learn more.
On occasion of Father’s Day, we thought of publishing the story A Bundle of Sticks This is a rather short story with a powerful message. In this story, a dying… More »A Bundle of Sticks- Story for Father’s Day
Baalgatha- Telugu stories Thank you for listening to the two sample stories below. We are the creators of Baalgatha stories and Myths, Legends and Fairytales of India Podcast. We are super… More »Baalgatha Telugu stories
On occasion of Ramazan Id listen to the story of this festival in 4 languages: English, Hindi, marathi and Gujarati (in many parts of the world spelt as Ramadan Id or Eid)
झलकारी बाई एकवीरांगना सैिनक थी, जिसने 1857 के स्वतंत्रता युद्ध के समय हुए झाँसी के युद्ध में
महत्वपूर्ण भूिमका नभाई थी। झाँसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की सेना में वह शािमल थी।
सुनिए उनकी कहानी बालगाथा पाड्कैस्ट पर