Brave acts of three children from Uttar Pradesh
Pushpa was 15 years old in 2016 when she saved a child from drowning in a well. She lived in Chattisgarh. Rajendra Kumar from Rajasthan saved the lives of three women from drowning.
Pushpa was 15 years old in 2016 when she saved a child from drowning in a well. She lived in Chattisgarh. Rajendra Kumar from Rajasthan saved the lives of three women from drowning.
Listen to this story in English, Hindi and Kannada.आप इस कहानी को अंग्रेजी, हिंदी और कन्नड़ में सुन सकते हैं The Prince, The Frog and The Snake राजकुमार, मेंढक और… More »The Prince, The Frog and The Snake
Q: Can you provide an overview of the Veergatha Podcast and its focus on tales of bravery?A: The Veergatha Podcast is a unique series that celebrates the courageous deeds of… More »Frequently Asked Questions about Veergatha Podcast
Listen to this story in English, Hindi and Kannada. आप इस कहानी को अंग्रेजी, हिंदी और कन्नड़ में सुन सकते हैं The Story of Rupa and Bisuntha रूपा और बिसुंथ… More »The Story of Rupa and Bisuntha
Listen to this story in English, Hindi and Kannada. आप इस कहानी को अंग्रेजी, हिंदी और कन्नड़ में सुन सकते हैं Who Stole the Ruby ? माणिक को किसने चुराया?… More »Who Stole the Ruby ?