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2008 National Bravery Awards- Brave Acts of Girls from Rajasthan

Manoj, a heart patient living in Indore, India, in August 2005 heroically saved the lives of 30 people during severe flooding. He used tubes of automobile tyres and other floating materials to rescue the people who were trapped. Unfortunately, Manoj swallowed some contaminated water and suffered from exhaustion and pneumonia due to the dirty water in his lungs. This caused his untimely death.Also learn about a young girl Sushila from Rajasthan who fought against her family’s pressure to get married. Effectively, she resisted the practice of child marriage.Sushila was pressured to marry at 12 years old by her mother and grandparents. She resisted and was abused, so she ran away to her uncle’s place and wrote to the leaders of Rajasthan. The police took action against her family and her marriage was called off. She was rehabilitated and went on to finish her studies at a boarding school.

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